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In this work, I reflect on the concept of Time as a unit of measurement — its linearity, or perhaps its lack thereof.
A female figure in a dynamic pose, emphasizing a state of unbearable anticipation, intertwines with the idea of the fleeting nature of Time, symbolized by the whitening of the protagonist’s hair. The direction of her body parts corresponds to the hour divisions of a clock face.
Particular attention is drawn to the semi-transparent ornament. Like a kaleidoscope, it captivates the viewer’s gaze. Do we truly perceive Time? The ornament symbolizes the uniqueness of Time as a separate entity—its incomparability, incomprehensibility, and uncontrollability by humans.
Participation in Exhibitions• "Art Expo" art fair, Trieste, Italy. 2024
• Сatalog "Art Expo" art fair, Trieste, Italy. 2024